God's False Mirror

Genesis 1-11

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Articles (11)

Friday, 29 September 2017 21:01

Born from above or sinners

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No man on earth can stop sinning as long as it is still motivated by his human nature. Why? This is because every man is a sinner in God's sight precisely because of his human nature. Sin dwells in us, in our genes, in our most profound structure. I don’t refer here to facts considered criminal or offensive by the society, which are also sins in God’s eyes because all this can be prevented by education. There are many citizens all over the world, who never performed any crimes or offenses, in their entire life.

Saturday, 30 September 2017 13:58

Christian responsibility

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No man on earth can stop sinning as long as it is still motivated by his human nature. Why? This is because every man is a sinner in God's sight precisely because of his human nature. Sin dwells in us, in our genes, in our most profound structure. I don’t refer here to facts considered criminal or offensive by the society, which are also sins in God’s eyes because all this can be prevented by education. There are many citizens all over the world, who never performed any crimes or offenses, in their entire life.

Saturday, 30 September 2017 14:04

Is the Church One or many? (Part I.)

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The unity of the True Church of God is not only a past or future event, it is a present and actual reality. This is one of the best demonstrates teachings, in the New Testament, but also one of the most neglected. Why is so neglected? Because many see a possible threat to the stability of the religious institutions and prefer not to speak at all about that. What are then the biblical foundations for the thesis that, at the present time, there is, in fact, One true Church of God and many religious institutions?

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